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Sunday 25 November 2007


On my Dutch site I have shown my test results on the Zoladz tests before and discribed how it should be performed (for those who want to give it a try check it out here).
What is the test? Like a coopertest it give you an indication of your level of fitness. However where the coopertest only gives you one figure: The distance run in 12 minutes. The Zoladztest gives you your fitness level in relation to your heartrate. Let me explain how.
Before you start you have to do a bit of homework > you have to figure out your Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax). If you have not measured it you can calculate as follows: HRmax = 220 - (80% of your age). So lets say you are 35 like me, your calculated HRmax will be 220-28=192. This is just an indication as I know for sure that my HRmax is higher. Besides this figure you need a track of other means to measure your distance.
Do a moderate warming up with a few accelerations and some stretching just as you do your usual warming up. Than start your test.
Run 6 minutes at a average heartrate interval of HRmax - 50 (in this example = 142) than rest for 2 minutes and write down the distance you have run.
Run 6 minutes at HRmax-40
Rest 2 minutes
Run 6 minutes at HRmax-30
Rest 2 minutes
Run 6 minutes at HRmax-20
Rest 2 minutes
Run 6 minutes at HRmax-10

Relax and do your cooling down!
For every interval you write down the distance run. Take care, te last interval can be to strenuos for some runners and with my last test I did not manage to run this highest interval. If you are not sure about your own level of fitness than do this test under supervision of an expert.

Know you have gathers 5 distances (or 4). Plot them in a graph as shown below where you see the results of a couple of test I have done.
What can you learn from this test? Like with the cooper test: The more you can run in the intervals the more fit you are. But there is more. Ideally al the measured distances should be on a straight line. If there are measurements below this line you know that you have put more effort in training in the heartrate zone and the best thing is...this will help to lift the whole line higher, thus increasing your level of fitness overall. So in the last measurement from oktober 2007 you can see that I have to work on my lower heartrate (around 150bmp) where on some of the older measurements I had to work on the higher heartrates around 170 bmp (temporuns and interval).
So compared to the cooper test it is not only a measurement of fitness but it also gives you insight where you should put your training effort!


Every year in the beginning of january there is the 'Halve van Egmond'. A half marathon which takes the runners along the flood line over the beach for some 10k and then back thourgh the dunes. Heavy, often cold, but o so nice to see. This year I had planned to take part but I first wanted to see the outcome of the 15k in Nijmegen (de Zevenheuvelenloop). As this was succesfull, with a new pb, it was time to register...only to find out it is no longer possible to enter the half marathon. Now I have to see if I particpate in the quarter marathon instead.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

An Elliptical Trainer: what to keep in mind?

On about running a nice article on elliptical trainer. For me the most relevant information in in the tail of the article: An elliptical trainer can offer the same intensity of training as a treadmill but the impact is far lower, closer to that of walking. This is interesting for those runners that look for an alternative to keep in shape while suffering from (small) injuries that will heal if you can avoid the impact that running has on your legs, knees etc... A treadmill has the same impact as running on the road so this will not help.

As for buying a ellipitcal trainer? The article offers a checklist wat to keep in mind while deciding which trainer to buy:

  • Check out the space the trainers requires and you have available

  • If the trainer has constraints considering length or weigth of user: make sure you (and the other users you have in mind) can use the trainer given these constraints

  • Ask you self if you want to move it around or not and if so to what extend (havier frame is sturdier but..)

  • Do you want to control the resistance of your trainer to do your workout at different levels?

  • Do you want adjustable pedals for the different users?

  • The length of the stride (which is more important than the up and down movement).

  • Do you want displays and programmable workouts?

  • Do you want to adjust rampsettings/incline?
It is possible to order trainers online.

Friday 9 November 2007

Videotips on running techniques

Yesterday I was browsing YouTube for clips on running. I liked this one as it gives you as a runner a scan that you can perform during your training. You can scan your posture form head to toe and adjust if you lie trying to achieve a more efficient running technique. When I went running yesterday I paid atention to my arms and found that indeed I move them a little bith sideways. I was able to reduce this and it did not feel uncomfortable. It helped me also keep my shoulders a bit more to the back and lower and therefore more relaxed. See for yourself if it contains usefull tips for you.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Reducing risk of breast cancer

On a Dutch blog I found a referal to research done by professor Tony Howell. Googling a bit gives your various articles on this topic which al state the healthy effect of exercise. For example this one also stating the healthy effect of going outdoors. Hmmm, this is something runners combine (if your not runnig on a belt in a sportscentre).

Why is running (and other ecercises) healthy? Of course it helps you to keep you weight in control. And reducing weight is top of the list. Furthermore it has a lowering effect on both the levels of estrogen and insuline which reduces the risks on breast cancer.