Next Run: Brussels 42K

2012-10-07 09:00:00 GMT+01:00


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Friday 30 July 2010

Gloves for your foot

During last Rotterdam marathon I saw a more senior participant running on some kind of gloves instead of the regular running shoe. I realised that enables you to run kind of bare foot in city environment.
I just came across some information on the 'gloves' from the brand Vibram with the fitting name FiveFingers.
A video review:

Thursday 29 July 2010

Recovery: trust your gut feeling

How do you determine the duration of the recovery periods during an interval training? On your gut feeling according to recently published research findings published in Psychophysiology.

During the research three groups were asked to do a 5 times 1000 interval at 90% effort. Recovery was done by:
  • recover for teh same duration as the duration of the interval, the work to rest ration (WR)

  • recover untill the heartrate is below 130 BPM

  • recover on your feeling

  • Result: With the heartrate methode the later interval went slower. Based on feeling or the WR method there was no decline in the duration of the intervals. Howerver the recovery periods were shorter with the gut felling method.
    I wonder how far the heartrate sank with the recovery periods but the this is not mentioned in the abstractof the report:(